Tracer Products is proud to announce the release of Fluoro-Lite® 5 Fluorescent Dye –
our brightest, highest quality, and most advanced dye formula ever.
The New Generation of Leak Detection Dye

Pinpoint anything from Car AC Leaks to Power Steering Fluid Leaks.
Our engineers have been hard at work developing a new generation of fluorescent leak detection dyes to make it easier for you to find pesky leaks.

The new Fluoro-Lite® 5 dye formula fluoresces up to 10% brighter. That’s a big improvement and sets us even further apart from other leading brand formulations on the market. The dye has a much greater shelf life, too. It can be stored 150% longer. With an increased resistance to extreme temperature ranges and moisture.
The bottom line: these quality dyes perform better under difficult conditions and have greater stability, making them the perfect tool for long-term preventative maintenance and leak detection dye.